
Niah's training video

Links below are recent Niah's training video that we are submitting to online-based puppy class with Silvia Trkman.
Taking puppy to the city center, train station, and pet shop was one of the homework so I took him to the city and pet shop last weekend. 
He was really great at both busy environment!  I am sure he is an impressive puppy!
その下は オンラインでと受けているシルビアタークマンのパピークラス の課題ビデオです。中心街、駅、ペットショップへ連れて行くという課題があったのですが、これだけ人やトラム、車がいてもニア君全く平気でした!
1st City experience
Niah's 2nd homework


Niah's sister

Young pup on left is Niah,s sister Cait.  She used to called as PIG by breeder..
she had a pretty strong character in this litter and she didn't never let tug toy go once she got it!
On the right is new stud dog called Bond. These 2 sure will make interesting/strong working dog! I've never seen chocolate x tri-merle cross puppy...Looking forward to see what's the future puppy will look like.


back in normal

I'm back in normal life now.
Busy student, ordenery housewife and domestic dog trainer and music lover!

My dear koto was badly reacted to other dogs in Agility tonight, and Niah has been naughty boy...

its all back in normal and all in control!  I hope Japan will back in normal as soon as possible.


19.03.11 wedding

It is finally official! we've got married on 19th of March in Daylesford, victoria. 
It was sunny, warm day and glorious full-moon night with our special friends and family. My beautiful dress was made by my mother.  I have gave greatest respect to her at the ceremony.  Also we gave one minute silence before the ceremony statrs for people who affected by Tsunami disaster. 
Thank you very much for people participate to make our special day and had a fun and laugh with us.  
some photos from our ceremony!
2011年3月19日、ディスルフォードで結婚式を行いました。やっと公式カップルになれましたよ♪素晴らしい雲一つない温かい日、おまけに20年に一度の大きな満月までに応援してもらい本当に恵まれた素敵な一日となりました。この本当に奇麗なドレスはおばあちゃんからの母へのプレゼントの着物を母にリメイクしてもらい送って頂きました。 母には敬意の言葉を式の中で言わせてもらいました。それから式が始まる前に津波で被災した方達へ1分の黙祷をしました。いいエナジーになって日本まで届くと信じています。一緒にお祝いしてもらった友達や家族に本当に感謝します。ありがとうございました。


We look better with Mud!

Dirty dogs... sure they enjoyed swam at the Muddy pond!
汚い〜 少し暑い日が続いたので暑さに耐えられず2匹一緒に泥溜まりにダイブしてくれました。 本当に忙しいのに 仕事増やしてくれてありがとう。。



It was the worst weekend ever in my life.
I am still in shock about Japan's horrible earthquake and tunami news. 
All my family and friends are fine but number of people who died is enormous.  Just made me speechless.    
Gambare Nippon.


right next to Ritual

oh- What a crazy days!
I am getting married in one week time and yes, off cause I have been feeling a little marrige blue.
NOT good time to have a energy bursting puppy for this busy period of life, but Niah is still an amazing puppy.  Koto is suddenly turned to extremely supportive 3 years old.  She knows exactly how I feeling every little moment.  
Looking after me, supporting me every day.
I must feel extremely happy and lucky to have you both ;)


Pictures are baby sweet potato leaves, they have been quietly glowing up in my pantry cupboard.during I have been busy for organising ceremony.   




Niah's mind

Since we started Silvia Trkman’s Trick class, Niah is in LOVE with boxes and this basket! He started sleeping in a basket these days, looks like a cat!  Also as soon as he saw plate, jump on to it and show me 
"LOOK! I put my 2 paws!!"  pretty funny tho!