
Shaping practice with Niah

2月22日より大好きなドッグトレーナーSilvia Trkmanのトリッククラスを彼女のブログを通して受けています!2週間に1回課題が出るので、その課題をトレーニングしている様子をビデオに取り、YouTubeにのせ、それをブログで一緒にクラスを受けている人達とシェアします!シルビアから私のトレーニングについてコメントも貰えます。素晴らしいアイディア♪でかなり勉強になっています
2/22 第一回目の課題です
結婚式の準備と、学校の課題、このトリッククラスとアジリティとオビ。。やる事が多い今日この頃 でも充実しているので楽しい〜♪

 I am taking Silvia Trkman's Long distance Puppy-trick class through her blog.  I really love her and she inspired me so much about how to face to training dog.  We will get a 'to do' list every 2 weeks and submit a 5min of us training the activities.  Pretty clever and I am loving all those blog-base study lately!!  
Our fist to do list was 1) Recall x10 times a day 2)Food refusal 3) Front paws on plate 4) 4 paws in the box- then reduce box size later 5) Frog! as stretching out hind leg (capturing natural behavior)   Oh- gosh, I am so busy.. but in the excellent way! I am loving this class so much!


spare time craft

Pouch style Tug Toy that I made for timid Koto.
Pouch close with Velcro, you can put treats inside pouch.
All made out of recycle material!  inside is from Koto's old frisbee.
It was great material to avoid oil from treats and tough up tug toy. 

And this is new agility school!  Always can practice with roof and synthetic grass!


The Books!

大大大好きなThe Booksのライブを見た!
久しぶりに鳥肌の立つ素晴らしいライブを最前列でみれて 本当に幸せ!
メンバーが2人から3人に増え、スケールアップしたthe Books!ヤバかった。。 天才的なミュージシャンでした。ビデオは先日のライブではありませんが こういう感じでしたよ
そしてパートナーとの久しぶりのデートでした !たまには犬なしで外出しなければね!



Miss Koto became 3 years old!

Happy 3rd Birthday Koto!
I feel like she has been 3 years old for long time, because I've been telling people that she is nearly 3 since Niah got here.  Although she has been behaving herself as a 3yo. Niah had all our attention since then but you have been very patient with him and a great helper for me, we've been educating him as a team, and I am very proud of you that you suddenly became the greatest big sister!  
You have full of fears and passions but your expressions of emotions are so similar to those of my own and Dean's, and that makes it so much easier to feel like we are experiencing the world together! and Yes, we will have more exciting adventure in your 3rd year too! We love you Koto!


Happy Valentines Day !

Isn't it enough mum?


stinky pup at the park

something smell good!  its very rare type of bird poop!
Just finished wearing today's perfume!
When you running, looks like a hopping little rabbit with big ear.. 

My big ears stand up ONLY when I am herding my big sister Koto.


meeting tomato chan

 tomatos from our garden 
 oh-.. ?
Nice to meet you!
Thank you for gave me a lot of water!


Building strong bond

このビデオはスェーデンのアジリティトレーナーFanny Gottさんのビデオ。彼女もボーダーパピー、エピックを育てるのでこのビデオはスウェーデンのオビのMaria Hagströmさんのクラスに参加した模様だそうです。楽しそう!この中のエクササイズを私も週末やってみよう!オーストラリアでは残念ながら未だに昔ながらのトレーニング方式のドッグクラブが殆どです。なのに長蛇の順番待ちがあるので いざ始まっても酷いトレーニング内容だったり 先生と合わなかったり。。でも アジもオビもようやく やっとやっと いい学校に巡り会えたので今年は楽しくなりそうです!琴の3校目でのアジも10ヶ月待ってやっと始まりました!今回の学校は予感的中!素晴らしい内容、先生、施設!完璧です! 今年はどんどん練習して楽しみますよ!

Video from Fanny gott's, attending obedience trainer Maria Hagstrom with her new puppy epic.   I really love some exercises in the end!!  I will try some of training in this weekend, "get it + Chase me + tug my toy!!" 
what a great exercises.
I finally found a great obedience school where I am attending with Niah,  but still a little hard for 5 month old puppy to being "obedience dog" for over 1 hour lesson. (they don't provide much play break in between, not much games) I really mix with play and work on attention building games like this video.   Agility schools are pretty ramdom too, Koto finally started 3rd Agility foundation from last monday.  I waited for this school for 10 month.  I also waited another 2 schools  for over 1 year then I realised there are many old school minded trainers and did not fit my training theory at all. But this school sounds brilliant! I love all instructors, facility and training method! Finally we are on a track and ready to learn and have fun!


Strong is important!

What a strong characteristic dogs I have got..  I must admit I am lucky no matter whatever we are dealing with!

table runner

This is Table runner made out of Kimono-Obi and Linen. I have been sawing many decorations for wedding party,because school will starts very soon...
もうすぐ学校が始まるので 時間の許す限り作りたかったものを沢山作っています。結婚式のデコレーション用に着物の帯を使ってテーブルランナーを作ってみました!


Finally Name tag is done!

ワンズのName tagを作りました〜
学校でレーザーカットの出来る機械が使えるので イラストレーターでデザインして、
それをアクリルに彫って 色々試しに作ってみました
I finally made name tags for dogs.
I really wanted to design on my own. I can access to Lazercut machine at school so this time, I did trial of few version of design, font and materials using illustrator. 
I will make more to my doggy friends~!