
Effective break with BC

週末さえもゆっくり出来ないこのごろです。10月一杯までこの調子の忙しさが続くので 少しげんなりしますが元気で楽しく過ごしているので◎。でも忙しさでストレスを感じる時はKotoと遊んだりボーダーコリーレスキューやトレーナーさんのサイトをみたり、ブリーダーさんから来た写真を眺めたり、もちろん琴と散歩に行くのが一番のストレス発散です。もう犬のいない生活なんて考えられないこのごろです
琴の弟、大きくなってますよ。 先日初めて外に出て太陽と遭遇したそうです!もう歩いてますよ
Ive been so busy with my school works but we are happy and healthy. When I got too busy and frustrated with assignments, I usually play or teach kotos, browse my favorite dog trainers/dog rescue web pages and ofcause go to the park and walk and run with koto.   I am realizing how addictive is life with dog!


little brother up date

パピーの目がようやく開いてきましたよ。まだ、ぐらぐらふわふわで立ち上がれないようですが、あと2週間でしっかり立ち上がって歩き出します♪ 本当にこの中の1匹が7週間後に家に来るんだなぁ。。まだまだ実感が湧きません。でも今日はパートナーがパピークレートを日曜大工で作りましたよ、着々と準備は進んでいます
Puppies eyes are just about to opening and starting to hear sounds, they are trying to stand up but still very wabbley!! Can not stop thinking about them!  My partner made new puppy crate today and we booked puppy school.. wow in 7 weeks... one of the boy will be here


chase the ferret!

でも新しいオモチャ、フェレットを作ってあげましたよ!追掛けたいならこっちにしてねっという代行品です。これ我ながら素晴らしいオモチャですよ〜!本当にどの犬もかん見します!簡単にリサイクル品や周りにあるもので作れるのでやってみて下さい! でも今はこのフェレットもあまり使わず、公園をリラックスして散歩やジョギングを楽しむ場所へ変更して、日々のエクササイズは自転車でのランニングとしますよ。本当にいつまでたっても手が掛かります。。
Koto found water ducks which doesn't fly and move fast at Yarra Bend Park.  She realised that its easy to chase them, then her chasing behavior is back in her mind recently.  She ignores our recall, gets really wet and muddy everyday so we stopped let her off lead until she is really calm down from this state of mind.  We made new Ferret Tug Toy to make substitution of real animal!! its so simple structure with recycle materials, and drive her crazy and she loves it! Ofcause! Wel still go to the park everyday but only walking calmly.  We will be running by bike for daily exercise.




Koto is sensitive and reactive for small things.
Since our very tall (193cm)friend came over and hit his head on our paper light fitting, Koto started think this light shade can attack people, she barked at light so badly and started to scared of it since then.   When we turn on the heater, hot air moves from heater, then this light shade moves too.  She doesn't like something weird moving around above us and always watching it.  What a timid girl.. I am working on clicker training to let her to use to this shade now.


sunday afternoon

Our sunday afternoon with new bike, new car, new bike rack, new road and finally the spring shots!!