
Towel tricks

I'm teaching towel tricks to Koto. (Still working on)
1) Bring the towel
2) Take the corner of towel
3) then Roll over !
I'm dreaming of when she master this trick, she will bring her towel after the bath, then wrap her self into towel!
Its going to be very funny and cute one! But we are struggling with Rolling over with towel.. she gets too excited to roll so towel always fell out from her mouth. You just need to calm down a bit koto.. It is adorable and fun trick!!

琴ちゃーん、、落ち着けば直ぐに出来るようになるからガンバって! 可愛いトリックです♪



Beautiful beautiful Molly moo, the best playmate for Koto past away on 21st June at 16:30pm. Describing Molly, She kept cheers me and Koto up, gave us a lots of laughter and smile every Thursday for 1.5 years. She was the sweetest dog ever, She wag a tail with beautiful big smile to anybody she meets and shared her love, she made everyone happy and smile. She also had the best mum in the world!
She was the luckiest and happiest dog who lived with full of love. Purely full of Love...
Thank you so much Molly moo moo. We loved you so much.



Tricks at diggers green valley


Feral Koto @ 8th Herding

8th Herding Lesson...  We had no control and leadership with Koto.  We wasn't there for 3 weeks but it was not only she hasn't been to sheep herding for awhile.  She was trying to dominant the space and doing everything that she wants to do. She was constantly barking hard at the sheep and running full speed most of the time. I felt that we just let her to enjoy the "chasing".

We've learn very important lessons from Dave showing Koto how to slow down and focus on him.
When he did a demonstration with koto, She was still challenging and trying hard to dominate the space, but was not too bad herding... well its all up to us to control the space and make her to work for us! 

1) Consistency in command voice tone:  
"No" to correct behavior is ok to be strong or soft tone but commands like "Sit" "Stop" should be always the same voice tone. Clear NO and Clear Commands that is always the same.
2) Release command after "Sit/Stop" with hand signal:
 Koto has been releasing herself on her own as soon as she saw Dean putting his rised hands signal down.  
He has to put his hand down then release her to not let her release on her own.
3) Leash control and focus:  
Start with leash communication to show leadership in the space.  Make the dog focus on you.
Picture below are from the valley back of the herding school. After the lesson, We went to walk and It was just beautiful to walk around! We release all our stress and enjoyed running around green valley!

8回目のハーディングは完全にノックアウト。Feral とは全く訓練されていない野良犬、野性化したとか野蛮でどうしょうも無いという意味ですが、先生にFeral Kotoと呼ばれてしまいましたよ! 羊に歯向かい吠えながらフルスピードで走る、コマンドは無視、もしくはいやいやゆっくり座ったり止まったりするけど自分勝手にコマンド解除!完全に”追掛ける”を楽しませただけでした。 見かねたDave先生が琴とデモレッスンをやってくれました。先生に付きっきりでもう一度細かく指導して頂いて大切な点を習ってきました。
1) コマンドの声のトーンはいつも同じで。
2) コマンド解除する際のハンドシグナルに注意。
3) リードを放す前に集中力を高める為にアイコンタクトをとったりリードでのコミュニケーションでリーダーシップをとる事。


Soner by Renaud Hallee

Soner by Renaud Hallee
Made by basic keyframe animation using flash, without scripting. Simple but very effective and inspiring!


Afternoon at Castlemain

キャッスルメインのアンティークショップは巨大倉庫がアンティークで埋め尽くされていました。古いもの、リサイクルは大好きなのでウキウキでしたが琴を車に残したままだったので 店内は10分程しか見れませんでした。またいつか行こうっと♪それから街のあちこちで見かけたこのLost Dogのポスター。白黒ボーダーのMaudieちゃんが居なくなったそうです。多分パソコンなど持ってない人なんでしょうね,丁寧な手書きのMaudieの絵が全てのポスターに描かれていました。コの子が1日も早く優しい飼い主の元へ戻れますように!
Pictures are from Antique shop in Castlemaine, huge former wearhouse was covered in full of antiques!  I love recycling and treasure hunting but we had no time to spend much time.  well, some another time if we drop by..
the last picture is lost dog poster I saw everywhere in this town.  Poor little Maudie and owner. Owner must be missing her very much.  beautiful picture of her and hopefully they will see each other soon.


Mt.Franklin bushwalk

先週末は3連休だったので近場ですがMt.Franklin へハイキングへ出かけてきました。今期最後にもう一度行きたかったキャンプは少し寒かったのと気分がのらなかったので断念。Mt.フランクリンは松林があり深緑のなかでハイキングが楽しめましたよ。眺めもよかったし楽しいハイキングでした!帰りにキャッスルメインに因ってお茶もしましたが、7年ぶりに訪れたこの小さな街、とても可愛いお店が沢山ありました。 サッカー日本が勝ったし、料理も沢山して美味しいものを食べて 良い気分転換になった週末でした:)We had a long weekend, and this was the last long weekend for next 4.5 month!! Definitely wented to hike somewhere for this weekend so we did short bush walk at Mt. Franklin on Saturday.  Pine tree forest is not common in OZ and make me feels like being Japan!  Great valley view with soft pine leaves ground for walking. On the way back we stoped by Castlemaine for little snack and coffee and found huge antique shop.  Cute country town and lovely shop. And japan finally won to soccer game, we cook great food every meal. It was great to refresh our mind from last week sadness.


emotional effect -mirrored-

Taped in between Odaiba to Shinbashi, just using simple mirror effect.  very effective and emotional. 


Sad morning without sweetie

先週の行方不明事件は近所の猫とのテリトリー争いが原因で帰ってこなかったのではなく肺に水が溜まり呼吸困難の為 家へ戻る階段さえも登ってこられなかったか、もしくは一人で静かな時間を過ごしたかったのだとやっと解りました。4月にビッコを引き出したと同時に進行した衰弱食欲不良だったので、足の原因ばかり突き止めてきましたが この頃からずっと苦しかったのだと思います。血液検査や体内の検査ももちろんしたのですが肺の急激な異変はこの1ヶ月の事だったようです。
琴は動かないマンキーに寄り添って匂いをかぎ、キュンキュンいいながら一生懸命起こそうとしましたが、泣いている私たちを見て、何か理解した様に、そっと私達のそばに付いて一緒に見守ってくれました。とにかく 小さな身体で本当にここまでよく頑張ったね。 優しくておっとりで甘えん坊さんで、本当に可愛くて可愛くていつもいとおしいかった。 今まで本当にありがとう。

9th June, 2010, Monkey passed away suffered from a Lung Cancer.  She was only 8 years old,  lived with us for 4 years.  We assuming that she had long struggle with breathing problem for over a month. When she was gone missing for 5 days last week, she wanted to be either alone in peace or couldn't come upstairs from pain.  We did blood, nutrition, kidney and liver testing but couldn't find lung fail last month because of she started limping hind leg at the same time so we all considered its coming from her joint pain. We finally realized that she was having a hard time to breath for 2 month.  Her tiny lung was filled in water.  Poor little monkey.. you did extremely well and had the greatest patient with all those pain.   We took Monkey's body home last night 3 of us said good-bye together.  Surely I felt that we were strongly bonded family and little Monkey teach me so many important things in life.   Koto understood Monkey was not moving and we were very sad about it, then she sit next to us calmly.
Monkey chan, You were the sweetest, cutest, funniest and the most loveliest cat I have ever seen and we love you very much.  Thank you for being our sweetie and gave us a joyful time.
Also thank you for our friends, who gave her a pad with love and looked after her when we were away. 


Surfing Sheep!!


Fog made here deeply green

マンキーの調子がいっこうに良くならない意外は 楽しい週末でした。朝一番でボーダー友達とボール遊びをしした後、ハーディングと登山には最悪な天気でしたが両方ともやってきましたよ。7回目のハーディングは久しぶりの練習、悪天候、ドロだらけのアリーナでのレッスンにも関わらず琴はしっかりやってくれました!雨が酷いので早めに切り上げて登山予行練習にマセドンにも行ってきました。普段はオフリードで登山が出来るこの山ですが、ウォーキングスティックを持った登山を楽しむ人達を初めて見た琴は酷く怖がって吠えかかってしまったので今回はオフには出来ませんでした。でもどこも雨やキリのお陰で緑が奇麗でした。  まだまだ練習する事や課題は沢山ですが楽しい週末でした!
Except Monkey is not well, We had a great fun weekend! Weather wasn't good and cold for both herding and climbing mountain on Saturday, we really enjoyed both. 7th Herding practice was a good session even rain and mad pit in the big arena, koto remember what to do after 3 weeks off.  The best thing is catching up with working dog friends and people who loves herding. After the herding, we climb Mt Macedon for our exercise. Koto gots scared of mountain climbers with walking sticks, She barked at them really hard every time she saw them so we couldn't let her off-lead unfortunately but we enjoyed misty-deep green walk for few hours.   


Jay Sisler's home movie

Jayは怪我をして仕事ができなくなり、怪我が完治するまで時間ができたのでブルードッグ(オーシー) のトレーニングを始めた。1日に10分から15分のトレーニングを3回、混乱を防ぐ為に1度に1つのトリックだけを教えた。彼の目を真剣に見つめてくれる犬が好きだったので、彼が犬達に1番初めに教えた事は 彼の前に座らせてアイコンタクトをとり 彼に集中させる事からでした。 彼は犬達を犬らしく扱い、やってほしい事を無理やり教えるのではなく、常に犬達をリードしてあげるリーダーであった。ドッグトレーニングとはまさにこれです!!それにしても縄跳び、でんぐり返し、スキップ、手乗り??グレーハウンド!Just Amazing!!

Jay trained his the dogs about 10 or 15 minutes, three times a day. And he only taught them one thing at a time and was careful not to confuse the dog. He'd also take them out irrigating and just let them be dogs. He liked a dog that would look him in the eyes. One of the first things he trained his dogs to do was to sit in front of him and focus on him. He tried to lead a dog into doing what he wanted, not push them.
Just Amazing!!  Respect!!


Quiet beach walk

We needed to go to the beach area near Mentone yesterday so took Koto to the off-lead beach on the way back.  The water was pretty cold but she enjoyed short swim and chasing ball in the quiet and calm beach. We will be busy from next month so it was very lucky day for all of us.


autum to winter

My partner got a new job, The new company will supply 4WD plus petrol, and e-tag fee, which will expand our range of out door life, we can take Koto and bicycles for forest bike riding, or climbing or even skiing!  He will also get much longer vacation, and very flex work hours too! very exciting.  I am just wishing for my new life from July will really happen!


Monkey is in recovery
