金曜の夜!普段は外で食事したり友人を訪ねたり遊びに出かけるが、都会で暮らすボーダーコリーのストレス解消の為、残り少ない夏の間は出来るだけドッグビーチに出かて思う存分走らせてあげようと思う。今日は2時間びっちり鳥を追掛けたり、他の犬と遊んだり、ボールやフリスビーで遊んだり、泳いだり! 今日の琴には普段のドッグパークの緊張感は一切なく、会う犬にも人にも本当に世界一幸せそうな顔をみせてくれた。私達もずっと笑顔でリラックスできたとっても素敵な夜でした。
Friday night! We usually go out for dinner or frined's house but from looking at koto frustration of not having enough running during the week, We'd decided to spend the rest of the summer night at the dog beach as much as we could and give Koto a good and positive exercises.
It was warm night and bright night. Koto run for 2 hours freely chasing seagulls, played with many dogs, fetch frisbee and ball with other border collie. Very different behavior with daily Dog park. She was absolutely Happiest dog on earth and made us chilled and smile.