

他の犬と遊ぶのも好きだけど やはり琴が気になって仕様がない

Niah's both front teeth has changed to adult teeth.
He is always focused on Koto at the park.  He likes playing with other dogs and tugging with me, still recall is perfect! but Koto is the most interesting thing in the world when she is running!  I really need to bring them to the park separately so that I can practice more things with Niah..but I have't done that yet.  


Niah 16-17 weeks Herding video

Here is a video of 16-17 weeks old Niah, Herding sheep the first time ever! 
Pretty funny to watch him distracting by the fresh smelly poop! Sheep didn't care about his soft barks at first!
but this is all natural movement, very nice movement for 3.5 month old little puppy!
Very cute little man! we will go back there soon!
Kelpie puppy's name is Sunday, not sanday.. its mistake.
She will be sister!

17 weeks Niah

Nose is nearly filled in Black, He lost 3 front teeth!
Still Small and thin!  Sable patch becoming more lighter brown

Still peeing like a Girl


growing tail and legs

でも最近尻尾と後ろ足が異様に長い。。3.5ヶ月のただ今 おでことマズルがやたら広くて、やせっぽっちでアンバランスでへんてこ犬(鹿)です。
たしかニア母の尻尾も凄く長くて地面についてたと思います。ニアの尻尾も地面めがけて 毎日成長中。 
身体の形は違うんだけど、なぜか となりに並んでると、まるでボルゾイの子供みたいでした。

We went to the dog beach on weekend.  
It was the first time to see the ocean to Niah. He really liked it, but melbourne's freezing water was too hard for thin-little boy and he was rounding up Koto but he couldn't stalk much today.. he was too slow for stalker!
His tail and hind legs are VERY long.. His mother has long tail and was nearly touching the ground. He looks un-balanced and some kind of animal, but not dog!! I think Niah's tail will touch the ground in no time! We saw huge Borzoi, who was drinking salt water.. Owner should bring some water!


kelpie vs Border Collie -JUDO MATCH-

 I got you!
 Hold Down Neck!
Hold Down Broken Neck!
 Joint Locks!
 Chokes and strangulations 
You suck.. You are weak pup!!

some beautiful photos of herding

 Abby; She looks so similar to Koto. Just Short hair and 
a little more sweet heart!  I love her so much!
 Herding instructor's Kelpies.  Rosie the black kelpie won for 
Herding competition in this year.
English Sheep dog herding with pony tail hair!!
Tiggy is the cutiest sheep herder! 
Tiggy is also Agility lesson classmate with Koto!
Niah, learning about sheep!


14-15 weeks

1st Herding fun

Blue-Merle Kisses!  
Coolies and BC Niah!
Beautiful Ella!! Means "come here" in Greek!
She looks like your mother, Niah!
Jasper the coolie!  

 New Black Kelpies! Beautiful dogs! (ada the puppy and orson)
 Herding Rottweiler!!!  
She was absolutely gentle, submissive and excellent herder!
I was very amazed!

Niah 1st Herding! (1st time to meet sheep)

琴は久しぶりだったので 初めはかなりの興奮状態で走る走る。。おかげで全然琴の写真とれませんでした。
またもや大変でしたが2度目は少し落ち着いてコマンドも利き始めました。ハーディングが終わった後の琴のものすごーく幸せそうな顔をみてもっと頻繁に来ないとなぁ、、と反省。アジもいいけど まだまだアジの楽しさを知らない私達なのでハーディングも平行してやって行きます。
ちなみにニア君もハーディングデビューしてきました。それに社会科には最高な場所!犬好きな人と犬が沢山!!ワーキングドッグとパピーと遊べて楽しかったみたい。それにしても天性ですね〜 ちゃんと羊の追い込み方知っていました。
落ち着いているししっかりディーンの動きを読んでいました。早めに始めたほうがいいという意味もようやく わかりました!(意見は人それぞれですが)途中落ちてる羊のウンチをスナック代わりに食べるので(笑)集中力にかけてましたが。。まぁまだまだ3ヶ月のパピーですね♫ 

そして 今回沢山のかっこいいクーリーに会いましたよ!ピンクの首輪、垂れ耳トライマールのエラちゃん、と15歳のブルーアイの子(名前忘)、レスキューされたジャスパー、今では教育熱心なオーナーに引き取られて本当に健康で幸せそう!

We finally made to herding class before the end of the year!! yay! It has been so long since Koto herd sheep so she was full on-high-energy.. (well as usual is good description)Thats why I couldn't take her picture at all... but 2nd run was a little better.  
She started to listen to commands and a little calmer.  We needed to come here more often.  I really felt that after saw Koto's Happy face expression after herding sheep!!   Niah did try too! He was very good and knew how to move sheep already!
He also enjoyed having a little poop as a snacks during herding!  it was so funny and yukky!!!
Video is coming soon!

There were beautiful dogs and people! we enjoyed our self so much, and ofcause koto.. She was a bit  too excited at first, then injured her paws as always.. She is back in rest at home..  Niah join Blue-Merle-coolie club!  Coolies are excellent dogs.  
I was in love with this Tri-Coolie girl called "Ella" (pink caller, she is 1.5 yo, from Ararat farm)
I have never seen floppy ear Coolie! and she was just beautiful!  Blue-merle with blue eyes is 15 years old! she was absolutely beautiful too! 
The last one is Jasper!  He is stunning coolie and very lucky boy rescued by excellent owner.


Park fun

Beautiful Koto

My Beautiful Koto and stalker

Koto's Running Contact !!  ( haha.. just coincidence!)

I LOVE my big sister Koto

wow! you are already young boy now!!

walking after bush fire

2年前の山火事BlackSaturdayで焼けた山へ歩きに行ってみました。木の種類に因って再生した木と完全に燃えて死んでしまった木がはっきり別れています。再生された木はまるで海藻の様。枝は完全に燃えてしまっても、幹と根っこから直接ぐんぐん生えてきた新緑の緑の濃さから力強い生命力を感じました。完全にしんでしまった森を車から眺めていた時は 本当に巨大な山火事だったんだと改めて実感、、まるで広大な墓場にでも来たような寂しさを感じました。でも散歩道は再生された新緑に囲まれていて犬達も私達もこの不思議な光景と新鮮な空気を楽しみました!

We visit Mt.Disappointment on Saturday.It recently re-opened for few walking track after the black Saturday in 2 years ago.  some bushes are recovered and re-growing very well but many trees were died completely.   After drive around the mountain, we did short bush walking with dogs and all enjoyed brand-new deep green bush wal and fresh air. 



FaceBookでニアの姉妹Taraちゃんを見つけました!ブリーダーのサイトから検索したらみつかりました!走ってる姿や笑ってる姿、後ろ姿、、ソックリ〜 一枚目の後ろに写っているのはいとこのDanくん!
yay!  I found Niah's  sister Tara on facebook!! She lives in Sydney
Great to see her happy cute face!

>ima Sorry for using your photos here without asking... Let me know if problem.


my sheep dogs


I was working but distracted so badly by Koto and Niah's cute faces, so I made this, and then started putting up some more photos on facebook, then check out blogs, then started interact with dogs...Oh-No--I Really need to go back to work!!

week 15

琴の分離不安対処で 昨日と今日は朝と夜2時間外出しましたが
コングにフードとクリームチーズをたっぷり詰めて出る前に二匹にあげて テレビをつけたまま、そして裏のドアを開けたまま外出してみたら何だか帰って来ても落ち着いていて凄く穏やか!遠吠えもしていませんでした。トイレもちゃんと外でしていました
もちろん家に帰ったら5〜10分は必ず犬達を無視します。 カギを閉める音は家に居る間に、1時間ごとに何度も繰り返したので だいぶ私が外出する音だとは思わなくなってようです。 時間があるのでどんどん練習して外出の時間を伸ばし行こうと思います!

今日 ニアは公園の近くの道を歩いてるとトラックや救急車に震え上がってました(笑)
掃除機も怖くてお漏らしします(笑) あー可愛いけど教える事が一杯!
今週ははGo To Mat, レトリーブ、クレートゲームをやってます。トイレのベルは二匹ともいい感じで覚えて来てますよ

I have been trying to reduce Koto's separation anxiety stress for the last few days. I was away for few hours yesterday and today but I left full of cream cheeze and food sfuffing in kong and gave them before I leave and I left TV on, back door open for toilet access.  
Koto was not hawling and both dogs were very calm when I came back home. I normally ignore them for 5-10 min and also started to let them to used to the sound of rocking door key many times a day.  I will add more duration each day and keep pracitce.
Today's Niah, he is really scared of sound of trucks, ambulance car and vacuum machine!! Oh-I have so many thing to teach him! but it is a joy as well!  I taught him Go to mat, Retrieve, Crate Game and ring the bell for toilet for the last few weeks!  Both dogs are going very well!


howling koto

琴にもそっくりな犬を発見した事があるけど コの子も凄く似ています!
それにしても今日は一日中2匹に振り回されました。。朝ジムに1時間程でかけた際、2匹を外に出したのですが、ジムが1時間遅れてオープンした為 家にトンボ帰りしたら、琴がそわそわ、酷く興奮して大きな声で遠吠えしてました。。完全な分離不安症状です。最近一緒に居すぎたようですね。また新たな大きな課題で少しずつ慣らして行くしかなさそうです。
トイレに行くためのベルは 今はベルをならすとドアが開いてトイレに行けるというのを教えている状態なので、トイレが終わって帰ってくるとベルは取り外します。なので まだまだ 。。
それに最近近所に5匹くらいの猫が引っ越して来たのでもう大変。。シーズンの鳴き声が本当に良く聞こえるので 琴必死に吠えてます。。忍耐と広い心構え!! 今日もがんばります。

I found this dog on some website, that looks like Niah so much! I think he will be like this dog.
I had a busy day looking after 2 high-energy dogs today. When I went to the gym in the morning, the gym had late open day so I needed to come back home for one hour, then I found Koto was howling really loudly with walking around anxiously.  It is separation anxiety symptom. 
Niah stop peeing inside but out side decking and concrete is his next place, He still cna not make it to the toilet, the end of the day, he pee one step out of the door!! Yes, Niah... that's not inside and good choice.. but hold a little bit more please..
And  new neighbours got 5 cats and making Koto lunatic!! She barks a lot!!  
I have big homework to do with Koto. well, as always! 

Mt Macedon climbing

オフリードで自由に歩かせている時に呼び戻しの練習をするのが一番なので 今日もたくさん練習してきました。
おやつはハイバリューで臭いの強いものと いつも食べているドライフードと必ずもって使い分けています。
今日のような広い山、楽しい場所や犬と遊んでいる時の呼び戻しの練習ではソーセージやチキンやチーズを一気に沢山あげます!自分から私のほうへかえってきたり、アイコンをとってきた場合はドライフードといった感じで、呼ばれた時は必ずいい事があると教えるためです。琴の呼び戻しは未だに80%ほどなので 一緒に練習しています。 琴は呼ばれたら取りあえず帰ってくるけどリリースコマンドを聞かずにすっとんでまた遊びに行ってしまうのが殆ど。。

私がニアや琴を押さえているうちに パートナーが二匹の名前を楽しそうなピッチの声で呼びながら
木の後ろに隠れて 二匹の名前を呼ぶのも効果的な呼び戻し練習のゲームです!

昨晩からパートナーさんはタスマニアへ4日間出張。 一人と二匹。。最後のワクチンまであと3日!この3日間はちょっと大変ですが ガンバリます。

We went for bush walk at Mt.Macedon today.  This is the best environment to practice Recall from a distance.
Not much distraction but very safe to be off-lead in the mountain.
Picture is what I always have in my pocket which are dry foods for lower value treat, Higher value treats are sausage and pizza cheeze.   If he worked for me and come back from far distance or from distraction, I will give him a big high value treats in high rates.  But if he only come back on his own or looking at me as an eye contact , that woun't earn enything, just dry food.  Koto still needs to practice recall. She still self-release after came back and leave us.  Restrained recall with Hide and Seek games are very effective practice too.
My partner is in Tasmania for 4 days.  I will be home with them!  This is the last week of Niah without Vaccination!  Only 3 days to go!! yay