Monkey the lap cat
パソコン触ってる時は 必ず前足を机に踏ん張って、ふみふみ。
Monkey sit on my lap and check internet with me.
Her hands
Monkey checking out rubbit photo.
Shopping Plan!
We are buying this canvas tent by the next camping season! I was quite happy about our current tent but its wearing out..many zipperes are broken. We need to buy more durable and long lasting tent with some space for 3 of us.(includes hyper-koto)
its constructed by 4 poles with canvas with air vent window on top and bottom.
It looks very durable and easy to build! size 4000mm dia,2500mm high. pretty big!
I'm dreaming about camping in this tent next summer.
以前仕事で本屋の内装とドラフトをした際、このビルの外壁のペイントカラーの色も選んだ。レンガと同じ色のペイントを選ぶ為、3社のカラーパッチを手に、色を選んでいた時間の日光の当たり具合だとかも計算して、ペインターと一緒に慎重に、このレンガとぴったりの色を選んだものの、久しぶりに戻ってみたら今はGraffitiで一杯。私が選んだ外壁カラーは全く残ってませんでした! 写真下はシドニーで見たGraffiti, 外格子にまるで子供が立ってるよう。いい表情だ!
最後はお気に入り、Theo Jensonのアート。
ビルのオーナーじゃないから言えるのかもだけどカッコいいアートなら 落書きされてもいいかな?
i choose exterior wall paint colour on this book shop building in the city, but that colour I choose was completely gone. It took me a while to pick the perfect colour to match with aged terracotta bricks. oh well.. someone had a great time in this big canvas space! I saw these kids graffiti at Sydney. I liked them a lot. Last pic is one of my favorite graffiti from theo jenson.
Name tags!
Koto's red name tag and Green plastic micro chip tag.
It would be good to have only one simple tag.
今琴が付けてるタグは赤のプラスティック、プラスティッくは軽くていいけど首輪の金具に当たってカチカチ音が鳴ってしまう。OZのペットショップで売られてるタグはワンコの足跡マークや骨の絵や犬小屋などあんまり可愛くない絵が付いてたり色が微妙だったりで 今のタグを買うのも3ヶ月も探しまわってやっと見つけたシンプル系。でも 買ったばかりなのに汚れが目立つ。
I found aluminium dog name tag! right weight and long lasting material with hand stamped.
Koto currently wearing plastic name tag, it is right weight but very easy to get dirty.
I've never seen good design pet products in here. Most of them are bone, dog house or paw prints with bright primary colours. Very exciting to find such a cute one like this. I will order it now!!
This is the shop→Etsy
Sydneyを散歩しいて 可愛いストールチェアが並ぶ店を見つけた。
買ってみようか 入ってみようか迷ったあげく、店内誰も居なかった為
場所はサリーヒルズのメインストリートのCrown Stの真ん中あたりの公園の向かい。
Crown Stはおしゃれなお店やデザインショップが多くて散歩してて 楽しかった!
SPARKLE CUPCAKERY!! in Sydney, near crown street, surrey hills.
Stunning shop interior and very cute stool chairs and table. Good concept for this specific area's tea & cake shop.
I felt like I need to wear formal dress to enter the shop to enjoy my afternoon cuppa.
very much like "Channel shop" .
Park day
最近私は自宅で仕事をしているので、KotoがMollyの家に行くのは殆どない。この前のシドニー旅行が初めてのMolly宅訪問だった。 もう少しMolly家にも慣れてもらった方がいいし、今日は集中して仕事しないといけななかったので、朝7:30amMollyの家に連れて行きました。とたん大はしゃぎ!なんと公園2カ所も連れていってもらったらしい。
MollyとはDog Treeという犬版ソーシャルネットワーキングサイトで知り合いました。
こうやって、年が近くて、近所に住んでて本当にいい子のボーダーコリー友達見つけられた事は本当にラッキー!お陰で私達は平和〜 仕事はかどりました!
Koto visit Molly today. They went to 2 parks to chaise balls!
Koto show us the happiest face when she running and chasing frisbee/ball, but she has the same happy-exciting face when she playing with Molly. It was very happy to meet Molly & Kerry throght "Dog Tree",
Dog social net working site to find your dog's playmate or walkmate while you are working. Very good concept!
Yayoi Kusama / 草間弥繭
Facinating fine detailed line works. very much like aboliginal art from the distance.
Her sexial obsession soft sculpture.. made out of hand sawed fabric, hand painted.
2週間前、シドニーのMCA(Musium of Conteporary Art of Australia)にで草間彌生のエキシビションを見て来た。
80歳の日本人女性、ど迫力。世界で活躍する日本人の作品みると 本当にいいパワーを貰えます
Yayoi Kusama Mirrored year at Museum of contemporary art of Australia, Sydney
She is 80 years old Japanese lady. Sh is obsessed by art. She loves her work, She admire her self!
VERY powerful exhibition, I recieved great energy.
It was my favorite exhibition in this year!
Red, green and yellow polka dots can be the circles representing the earth, the sun, or the moon. Their shapes and what they signify do not really matter. I paint polka dots on the bodies of people, and with those polka dots, the people will self-obliterate and return to the nature of the universe.
An excerpt from “Infinity Nets”, Kusama Yayoi Autobiography
Easter Camping
Walhara town
Coopers Creek camp site
毎年イースターは恒例のキャンプホリディだ。GippslandのWalharaという街の近くのCoopers Creek State ParkのThomson川沿いでキャンプをした。久しぶりに最高に美味しい空気を吸った。山に囲まれ渓谷になっているこのキャンプ場は朝夜はすごく冷え込むが、朝露や夜の霧が本当に奇麗で素晴らしい散歩ができた。歩いていると霧の粒が空気中を舞っているのが見えた、幻想的な風景だった。
昼間はかなりマナーの悪い人達が沢山いて、モトクロス、チェーンソウ、サブウーハーでラジオのTop40s、酷いノイズだった 気にしなかった。 2度目のキャンプ経験の琴には少し緊張気味の4日間だった様子。
Camping trip this Easter holiday was Gippsland, near the old-historical gold mining town called Walhara. I loved this state park so much. Spectacular nights and mornings with deep mist and fog near the beautiful thomson river. Morning sunshine reflect through the mist on the trees. We could see the tiny micro mist flying around everywhere in the air when we were walking. It was absolutely beautiful. It was very special moment. Loved it! Koto had a very nerves holiday in the bush, She didn't relax at all, trying to be protective and worried about this new environment. She barked at almost all people who just walking pass our camp site. She is just turned to 14 month old today.
春!とは言っても オーストラリアは秋ですが
April is spring! (except where I live) I used to started something new in april in Japan. I have lived in Melbourne since 2005, its nearly 5 years since I moved to Australia, and I still
take pictures almost everyday.
Hope this blog will be another side of communication tool.
Koto means Lyra- (picture above, also Japanese traditional herp)
She is 13month old black and white Super hyper border collie.
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